Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bobybuilding History

Bodybuilding - is a sport of exercise with a variety of tools (barbells, dumbbells, weights, etc..), healthy eating and recreation system to enhance human health and the body for muscle building.

The essence of bodybuilding exercises to develop strength and muscular body highlighting. Exercises can be performed with dumbbells, barbells, or specific simulation. Series of exercises conducted in eight to 12 repetitions, and in order to maximize strength - with heavy weights, but are less repetition - from two to six times. The load refers to the individual muscle groups (chest, back, arms, etc.). During the exercises made a short break to rest the muscles. It may also be carried out so-called superserijos in which a number of exercises almost without a break.

Exercise is carried out seven days a week (for example, a workout - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, other days - a break). In order to develop the muscles of the body must be some degree of "overloading", etc. ie, the physical load has caused some stress in the body. The body adapts to stress, therefore, necessary to increase the load, which depends on the intensity (muscle tension), duration (number of repetitions), training of recurrence. Exercise stimulates the body changes - exercising the power of an increase in muscle fiber size. Educating increases aerobic endurance, muscle enzymes, mitochondria, improved muscle oxygenation.

Exercises with the tools to develop muscular strength and beauty of the support it did the ancient Greeks and Romans. Contemporary building a framework at the end of the nineteenth century in Great Britain. Since the twentieth century beginning of the twentieth century were held in the middle of international beauty contests, but the twentieth century Mid - bodybuilding world championships. 1946 founded the International Federation of Bodybuilding (called the International Federation of Body Builders, IFBB), which in 2005 has more than 170 countries. The prestigious event is organized by the federation - International Bodybuilding Championships "MR. Olympia.